Pinterest Inspiration

I spend way too much time looking at Pinterest suggestions or “inspiration for the week” that shows up in my mailbox. No way can I delete them without taking a peek. The boards I most often pin to are photographs, vintage lace, quilt ideas, and hearts.

When I decided to make Valentines/hearts again to put in my etsy shop I  looked at all the hearts I had pinned to my Pinterest heart board. I made copies of 20 of them for inspiration for making hearts. I used 14 of the ideas. There were no instructions, just pictures. It was so easy to go my own direction with someone else’s idea. My apologies for not recognizing the designer of the hearts I used for inspiration. Rarely can you find credit for things posted on Pinterest. However, I thank you for your creativity.

I had so much fun this last week making the Valentines. It was like I was an artist in residence in my own home studio. My studio was a wreck, but I was so happy and content. There weren’t enough hours in each day. Even the two days I spent at MD Anderson I still came home and worked into the wee hours on another design or two.

Cutting Table

My Cutting Table

I have made stuffed hanging hearts for so many years. I posted some on my blog with a tutorial on how to make them five years ago. If you are interested, check-out my blog post on February 12, 2012, Play Date #2.


Hanging Hearts

I’ve also made collage Valentine cards for several years.

Assortment of Valentines

Collage Valentine Cards

The tutorial for those is Play Date #1. I’ve refined the process for making them over the last five years, but I think this post will get you going.

Looking at the heart pins from Pinterest and executing from the pictures was great fun. Below is a photo of each of the hearts I made on the left and the inspiration on the right. If you want to see more details of each of the hearts, go to my etsy shop.

My version is on the left. I had a painted canvas on which I attached my design.  The inspiration on the right.

I made a little wall quilt on the left from the inspiration on the right.

On the left I am back to making a hanging heart using the inspiration on the right.

The inspiration on the right of a hanging heart was different. Using a solid piece of fabric with just a little embellishment was a departure for me.

Using a cabinet card to make a greeting card was new to me. Following the inspiration on the far right, I made two cards using cards from my collection of original cabinet cards.

The inspiration on the right appeared to use wool felt for the foundation. I tried this and added a little stuffing to the fabric heart stitched on top. It was a different process for me.

My rendition of another wool felt flat heart from inspiration on the right.

So those are the 14 Valentines I made this week. If they have sold from my etsy shop, you can still view them under sold items. If you are a Pinterest pinner, I hope you will take the opportunity to use some of those pins for inspiration. I highly recommend it.

You inquire about my health.

There’s not much different to report about my journey with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). We now call it a roller coaster ride. We thought the 27 day stay in the hospital treatment was beginning to kick-in. However, one week we are up about my blood analysis count and the next we are down again. One week I need only a platelets transfusion and the next I need platelets and blood. We still go to MD Anderson twice each week. I still can’t travel too far between visits.

I had a second consultation with the stem cell transplant doctor at Methodist Hospital last week. He repeated all the statistics of someone my age trying a stem cell transplant and the possible year long recovery protocol. The fact that I wouldn’t be able to be around children under the age of 8 really makes me hesitate. We have a 19 month old grandson and another grandbaby due April 2. Being a grammy is at the top of my list of what makes me the happiest. I still believe God has a different plan for me than trying a stem cell transplant and I still have faith in my oncologist, Dr. Garcia-Manero.

Through all this I feel good. I can still go to church, to the office once a week, participate in the lives of our children and their families, and work in my studio. My husband is always with me for hospital visits and our three children are caring and supportive. I am happy.

May you be happy too, my dear friends. Love and Happy Valentine’s Day,  Judy


Two of my Valentines. They make me happy.

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12 Responses to “Pinterest Inspiration”

  1. Nancy Penry Says:

    So glad you are enjoying creative beautiful Valentines for others to enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • judymurrah Says:

      Yes, Nancy, I have loved being in my studio with so many of my vintage treasures and working on things of love. I added more hearts to my etsy store yesterday and will add a few more today as several of the hearts originally posted have sold. So good to hear from you. Hope all is good in your life.


  2. jubykay Says:

    blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white !important; } Judy, You are absolutely amazing. I admire everything about you! Hearts have always been my symbol because of my last name. My two sons & I tattooed matching lock heart on our ankles so I love these Valentine creations. Prayers, hugs, cheers to you & your family.Love, Judy Lockhart

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    Liked by 1 person

    • judymurrah Says:

      So you are jubykay, Judy Lockhart. Tattooed matching hearts with your sons. You brave and adventuresome lady. Thanks for your good wished. They are much appreciated. Hugs to you.


  3. jubykay Says:

    blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white !important; } Here’s my tattoo I spoke of in my previous email. It’s faded & on my old leg but you can get the idea.Judy

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mary Nyberg Says:

    Oh, dear cousin, so glad to see your blog and how wonderfully creative you are. You are an artist with many amazing talents. I continue to have you on my prayer list. My Chuck is still lingering with his cancers, and I know time is short for him. But he is peaceful and comfortable, and he still knows me. I text our children when he is awake so they can call and hear his voice and they can exchange “I love you”. Only Sarah is here with me, but she is great support for me. We count our blessings which are many. I send my love for you. Hugs too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • judymurrah Says:

      Good to hear from you, Mary Jane. I know you are busy and under stress right now. I hope you are able to quilt as you take care of Chuck. I think of you often. Much love to you.


  5. shiborigirl Says:

    your post took me back to making valentines when I was in school and again with my boys when they were. It is such a lovely and fun practice isn’t it? Life itself is a rollercoaster and the one you are riding and the sharing of it inspires. Be well Judy, enjoy life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • judymurrah Says:

      Glennis, yes, I remember the thrill of Valentine boxes in our classroom. Decorating the box and then seeing the valentines within was a treat, too. Paper doilies and red construction paper were always part of the process of making valentines. I loved the process then and still today. Thank you for your kind thoughts. They are much appreciated. The best to you, too.


  6. Kay Smith Says:

    Your work is lovely! You are a very creative woman with a wonderful heart for life! It is so great that your family is such a strong support team for you! You are blessed! I hope to read soon that your levels are remaining high. I know you are looking forward to April 2!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. judymurrah Says:

    Hi Kay, Yes, I am looking forward to the birth of our seventh grandchild. A few days after that is our Chicago Quilt Festival. I hope to go to that for a few days. It will all depend on my MDA schedule. It’s such a roller coaster ride. Thank you, once again, for your good wishes. Happy Valentine’s Day to you.


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